Filming Sex Work in India
Academicish x Jo
Filming Sex Work in India is a 7 week workshop based on a chapter of my PhD thesis on documentary film on sex work. The workshop, done in collaboration with Academicish hopes to introduce discourse on sex work, film, feminsm and queer studies to a range of audiences.
Enough is Enough
Consent Workshops at SOAS
Enough is Enough is a consent workshop series at SOAS based on principles of transformative justice and survivor centred work. The workshops, each 2 hours long use activities and narrative knowledge to facilitate conversation on consent, the university, law, society and culture.
EdGe Mentor for Students in the USA
As a mentor, I support students to widen their critical view of the world around them, emabling them to be more perceptive in their volunteering and work positions in their home countries and outside. I support them with their projects once their field positions have been finalised as well. Find my profile on Omprakash.
Collaborative Action for Research and Education is an initiative created to bridge the structural gaps in Academic insitutitons that gatekeep and oppress marginalised and minoritised communities. As a first generation PhD researcher, I want to share the knowledge I am able to access with other people who need it in a decolonised manner.
Workshop Facilitation
Freelance and for friends
Queering the Meh-trix (2021-ongoing): Facilitating exploration workshops for people who want to understand their own feelings about gender and sexuality with Mithra Trust.
Kicking Down Doors: Closets, Borders and the Academy at the Pedagogies for Social Justice Festival at the University of Westminster (2023)
Difference Festival (2021): 'Difference as Empowering Solidarities: A Workshop on Organising Politics' with Annapurna Menon and Arshita Nandan at the University of Westminster
Different Worlds, Same People (2021): A Workshop on Exploring Space with Zinedabaad